Post by Victor Ramirohi,
im looking for a live cd for my ibook g4.
why a live cd?, because i want to try linux on my ibook
before partition my hard disk an all that
(i'm a pc linux user,a newbie on mac)
well, i've been looking for a live cd, and i found a few distributions.
my problem is that any of that cd's worked on my ibook (i couldnt start
from the cd, and y tried ALL the keys :) ).
now, i want to start again, from zero, so i accept any comments
thanks a lot
Victor A. Ramiro Cid - LU #171397
My suggestion is to get yourself an external hard drive attached to your
firewire(ilink in mac speak) or usb2.0 ports.
The other suggestion is ensure your external does speak both firewire and
usb2.0. The one I have tried that works well in both mac os x and linux is acom
data. They range from 40 GB-250GB drives from where I have seen them at future
shop here and compusmart. The price on sale right now is: 200$CANADIAN for
250GB at FUTURESHOP. This is a good price.
Once you have this external hard drive hooked up in mac os x just copy all you
hard drive data to the external hard drive on a 40GB PARTITION whidh is about
the same size as your ibook g4 if I recall.
Have your PC nearby and on the net also in order to get the needed information
just in case something is missing for your configuration.
There is in your apple menu the about and the capacity for you to get ibook g4
machine's hardware profile(Brandname, model and device name in your computer
along with some ID's). I suggest you save this profile into a file and have it
handy on your pc. It will come in handy for the graphics card, monitor, and
hard disk information later.
Then with lots of peace of mind, try all the fun stuff you want with linux cd's
on your ppc. I've tried ubuntu, mandrake, yellowdog, and gentoo(a bit).
Ubuntu was very nice except for divx stuff(xine) had dependency issues for my
particular situation. Mandrake and yellowdog are pretty much on the same level
but I am definitely happy with my Debian-based PC so UBUNTU was a logical choice
to try on ibook g4 ppc first. There is a Debian netinstall for ppc which you
could also try.
It requires an extreme amount of patience to install gentoo. If you follow the
instructions carefully here and build everything for the ppc ibook g4 from
sources, the end result could run everything your heart desires. I'm actually
in the middle of trying gentoo... I've seen gentoo running at the linux
symposium on some ibooks so it's not just blah blah. It's for real.
WARNING: In general it does take time to try out all these linuxes along with
your favourite apps to make sure they all run fine in each of these.
GOOD NEWS: ACTUALLY Ubuntu, Mandrake, YellowDogLinux, Debian and Gentoo are all
very good and you have plenty to learn from any of these distributions :) Don't
feel uncomfortable choosing. Just be thankful you have alternatives to MAC OS X.
I hope this helps.