Post by Thorsten GunkelPost by PastaLoverI found Ubuntu, and burned a CD. But it didn't really work too well. The
file manager wouldn't start, and about half of the apps died during
launch with a bunch of different error codes.
This PowerMac only has 256 MB of RAM, so I'm guessing it just isn't
powerful enough to support a full-fledged Linux distribution. Haven't
had a chance yet to try it on my iBook with 512 MB.
If you have any partitions with rw access create a swapfile and test again.
When I have had a problem with any of my 90 Live CDroms on any of the
100 systems I tried this year, the problem has been that the CD burning
program I used (Ahead Nero, in an XP Pro system on an AMD 2.0 -1.667 Ghz
w/512Mb RAM) and also in K3B on PCLinux or Kubuntu, the same problem
seems to be at the root cause...
A CDrom that is to be read in different CD machines on different systems
needs to have al the blank space 'PADDED'! None of those burning
programs state it up front. The standards discuss the problem and
recommend the padding!
To create a LIVECD that is universally readable, you have to implement
the burn of any ISO with command line interface in a console, using pad
63s. THIS IS A CRITICAL FUNCTION to get CDs that are NOT coasters!!!
Here is the straight skinny:
I personally know Steve Litt, and highly respect this technical writer
(major contributor to such books as SAM's "Unleashed" series on SAMBA,
and, other works in the SAM's line. Also, if ever in Central Florida,
visit the GOLUG
It would behoove you to get his latest work on troubleshooting! It will
organize some of the thinking about the process of tracking down any
I have some MacIntosh gear, dated and older, from a 6320CD up to a PPC
603 based 6500, and am studying to become Apple Certified as a tech.
So, with my ten years of Linux advocasy, I want to make these older
machines run in the more modern world, as OS7.5 to OS9 are aging.
My major goal is file compatability on my network...