2008-09-11 02:21:23 UTC
I have been noticing that my board crashes when the amount reported as
"cache" in top reaches between 6000-7000K as I start applications.
So, I decided to write a test program that simply wrote a log message
using syslog to see if it was always crashed at the same amount. With
this program running, I notice the amount reported as cache starts at
about 3500K and increases gradually. When it reaches about 3700K, it
goes back to 3500K and repeats.
What causes the amount reported at cache in top to go back down? I am
hoping if I understand this that I may be able to modify my other
programs to keep the amount cached down and, thus, stop the crash.
I am running Linux 2.6.26 on powerpc.
"cache" in top reaches between 6000-7000K as I start applications.
So, I decided to write a test program that simply wrote a log message
using syslog to see if it was always crashed at the same amount. With
this program running, I notice the amount reported as cache starts at
about 3500K and increases gradually. When it reaches about 3700K, it
goes back to 3500K and repeats.
What causes the amount reported at cache in top to go back down? I am
hoping if I understand this that I may be able to modify my other
programs to keep the amount cached down and, thus, stop the crash.
I am running Linux 2.6.26 on powerpc.