Post by Hsuan-Yeh ChangThe real reason why I'm asking is that my wife has a PowerG3
running OS 9.1. Since in these days, no one is updating application
for use in OS 9.1, I am thinking of installing either Debian or
debian-derived linux on it so that my wife can use at least the
most up-to-date web browser (Firefox). Further, if the Linux
installation can run Adobe Photoshop and/or Illustrator, it will
be the best. Since I have a copy of those software in Windows
version only, so I started this thread...
Hmm. Presumably your wife is currently not running Photoshop and/or
Illustrator on her OS 9 machine. If she is, then you can upgrade to
OS X and run them in Classic, or use linux and run them in MOL. If
not, then you're not really talking about replacing her software, but
adding new software. In that case, I'd put Windows on the x86 box you
probably have lying around (you don't have the software without the
hardware, eh?), let her use that when she needs those programs, and have
her use linux and/or OS X on her G3 for everything else.
Post by Hsuan-Yeh ChangThe presumption is that we don't want to spend a whole lot of
money on purchasing new software, just for upgrading to OS X...
As others have mentioned, there are open-source programs that duplicate
some of what Photoshop does. I don't know a similar program for
Illustrator (I don't even know what Illustrator does), but you can check to see if such a program exists.
In summary:
--if she runs Photoshop and/or Illustrator in OS 9, she can continue to
run them in Classic or MOL
--if she doesn't use them in OS 9, but elsewhere, have her continue to
run them elsewhere
Not the ideal solutions, obviously, but perhaps they'll be sufficient.
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