Post by bluesI have not tried a floppy yet...which file would i need to put on the
floppy? I would prefer to just have Debian running on this box, but i
will dual boot it if it is the only way.
Sorry for all the newbie questions, but i am a linux novice and would
really like to use this old g3 as a linux server someday...Please help
if you have any ideas
You might want to look at the installation manual found here:
You will need to make a pair of floppy disks from images found on the
first cd of the distro. The proceedure for making them is found here:
Follow the instructions. You have to make the boot floppy without
disturbing the contents of the image. It involves locking the image
from the 'get info' window of macos. I have had to hold
cmd+opt+shft+delete to make the floppy boot. Then once the initial
install is completed reboot using the vulcan death grip (cmd+opt+p+r),
reset the pram (make it chime an extra time).
You will have to use Bootx from MacOs to boot into linux. That
procedure is also in the manual but if it doesn't make sense to you
please feel free to post your questions. You can put an alias to bootx
into your macos startup file so that it comes up when you boot macos.
Don't hold me to this but it seems like I had a machine set up to go
ahead and boot linux from there automatically. If that is not possible
you can configure it so all it takes is a carriage return to send it to