Problems installing Yellow Dog Linux onto Old World Mac
(too old to reply)
Jeffrey Rolland
2006-08-20 21:39:11 UTC
Hello, all!

I am attempting to install Yellow Dog Linux (versions 3.0.1 and 4.0.1
burned and tried, 2.3 burned but not yet tried, waiting for CDs onto
which to burn 4.1) onto an Old World Mac (Power Macintosh 7500 with 1 GB
RAM and a 50 GB HD (10 GB Mac OS 8.6 and 40 GB unformatted)) and I am
having trouble.

The 4.0.1 disk won't load Anaconda (the YDL installer engine) and

The 3.0.1 disk will load Anaconda, but won't read the 3.0.1 disk for
data and keeps waiting for readable CD; the 3.0.1-loaded Anaconda will
read the 4.0.1 disk a little bit, but then crashes.

Is there anybody on the newsgroup who has experience using BootX (the
bootloader for Old World Macs) and mayhap even experience installing
YDL? I am contacting TerraSoft about purchasing installation support,
but the Mac is so old that I have little hope for this.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

Jeffrey Rolland

Freedom + Security = 0 and I prefer freedom (even post-911).
Deacon Nikolai
2006-08-21 06:37:10 UTC
Do you have Boot X installed with the Linux kernel installed in to it?
I believe there are directions on Terra Soft's site or the Yellow Dog

In Christ,
Deacon Nikolai
Post by Jeffrey Rolland
Hello, all!
I am attempting to install Yellow Dog Linux (versions 3.0.1 and 4.0.1
burned and tried, 2.3 burned but not yet tried, waiting for CDs onto
which to burn 4.1) onto an Old World Mac (Power Macintosh 7500 with 1 GB
RAM and a 50 GB HD (10 GB Mac OS 8.6 and 40 GB unformatted)) and I am
having trouble.
The 4.0.1 disk won't load Anaconda (the YDL installer engine) and
The 3.0.1 disk will load Anaconda, but won't read the 3.0.1 disk for
data and keeps waiting for readable CD; the 3.0.1-loaded Anaconda will
read the 4.0.1 disk a little bit, but then crashes.
Is there anybody on the newsgroup who has experience using BootX (the
bootloader for Old World Macs) and mayhap even experience installing
YDL? I am contacting TerraSoft about purchasing installation support,
but the Mac is so old that I have little hope for this.
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
Jeffrey Rolland
Freedom + Security = 0 and I prefer freedom (even post-911).
Jeffrey Rolland
2006-08-21 18:37:29 UTC
In article <***@p79g2000cwp.googlegroups.com>,
"Deacon Nikolai" <***@gmail.com> wrote:

|Do you have Boot X installed with the Linux kernel installed in to it?
|I believe there are directions on Terra Soft's site or the Yellow Dog
|In Christ,
|Deacon Nikolai
|Jeffrey Rolland wrote:
|> Hello, all!
|> I am attempting to install Yellow Dog Linux (versions 3.0.1 and 4.0.1
|> burned and tried, 2.3 burned but not yet tried, waiting for CDs onto
|> which to burn 4.1) onto an Old World Mac (Power Macintosh 7500 with 1 GB
|> RAM and a 50 GB HD (10 GB Mac OS 8.6 and 40 GB unformatted)) and I am
|> having trouble.
|> The 4.0.1 disk won't load Anaconda (the YDL installer engine) and
|> crashes.
|> The 3.0.1 disk will load Anaconda, but won't read the 3.0.1 disk for
|> data and keeps waiting for readable CD; the 3.0.1-loaded Anaconda will
|> read the 4.0.1 disk a little bit, but then crashes.
|> Is there anybody on the newsgroup who has experience using BootX (the
|> bootloader for Old World Macs) and mayhap even experience installing
|> YDL? I am contacting TerraSoft about purchasing installation support,
|> but the Mac is so old that I have little hope for this.
|> Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
|> Sincerely,
|> --
|> Jeffrey Rolland
|> <***@hotmail.com>
|> Freedom + Security = 0 and I prefer freedom (even post-911).


Yes, I have BootX installed with linux kernels installed in it. In fact,
here is some more info:

Trial 1:

For BootX, I was using the kernel vmlinux-2.6.10-1.ydl.1 included on the
4.0.1 CD (not the vmlinux-2.6.8-1.ydl.7 indicated in
<http://www.yellowdog-board.com/viewtopic.php?t=249> ("how to install
YDL 4.0 on old world mac?") and
<http://www.yellowdog-board.com/viewtopic.php?t=381>). I was using
ramdisk size 58192. I was using the "More Kernel arguments" of
"video=controlfb:vmode:13,cmode:32". I am not sure what ramdisk I was

For the CD, I was using the 4.0.1 CD.

The exact error message I received was

'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
File "/usr/bin/anaconda:, line 193
if outfields[0] == "connecting" and outfields[-1] == "failed":
SynatxError: invalid syntax

The rest just indicated how the system abended and I could restart my

Trial 2:

For BootX, I was using the kernel vmlinux-2.6.10-1.ydl.1 included on the
4.0.1 CD. I was using ramdisk size 58192. I was using the "More Kernel
arguments" of "video=controlfb:vmode:13,cmode:32". I was using the
ramdisk supplied on the 4.0.1 CD.

For the CD, I was using the 4.0.1 CD.

The exact error message I received was

install exited abnormally

The rest just indicated how the system abended and I could restart my

Trial 3:

For BootX, I was using the kernel vmlinux-2.6.10-1.ydl.1 included on the
4.0.1 CD. I was using ramdisk size 58192. I was using the "More Kernel
arguments" of "video=controlfb:vmode:13,cmode:32". I was using the
ramdisk supplied on the 3.0.1 CD.

For the CD, I was using the 4.0.1 CD.

The exact error message I got was from Anaconda, and it said

You don't have enough RAM to run Yellow Dog. [OK]

(This is obviously silly, since I have 1 GB of RAM, but at least
Anaconda ran.)

Trial 4:

For BootX, I was using the kernel vmlinux-2.6.10-1.ydl.1 included on the
4.0.1 CD. I was using ramdisk size 18192. I was using the "More Kernel
arguments" of "video=controlfb:vmode:13,cmode:32". I was using the
ramdisk supplied on the 3.0.1 CD.

For the CD, I was using the 4.0.1 CD.

The exact error message I got was from Anaconda, and it said

You don't have enough RAM to run Yellow Dog. [OK]

(This is again obviously silly.)

Hope this is of some use to someone.

Jeffrey Rolland

Freedom + Security = 0 and I prefer freedom (even post-911).
Stephen Harker
2006-08-26 03:25:15 UTC
Post by Deacon Nikolai
Post by Jeffrey Rolland
I am attempting to install Yellow Dog Linux (versions 3.0.1 and 4.0.1
burned and tried, 2.3 burned but not yet tried, waiting for CDs onto
which to burn 4.1) onto an Old World Mac (Power Macintosh 7500 with 1 GB
RAM and a 50 GB HD (10 GB Mac OS 8.6 and 40 GB unformatted)) and I am
having trouble.
The 4.0.1 disk won't load Anaconda (the YDL installer engine) and
Do you have Boot X installed with the Linux kernel installed in to it?
I believe there are directions on Terra Soft's site or the Yellow Dog
Indeed, for YDL 4.0.1 the following urls cover the topic


I have YDL 4.0.1 running on my 7600 at home, previously was running
3.0.1 (having upgraded from 2.3 and previously from 2.1). Essentially
the problem is that 4.0.1 is not supplied set up to install on an
OldWorld machine, you need to obtain and install BootX and a suitable
kernel (the kernel that comes with 4.0.1 won't work).
Post by Deacon Nikolai
Post by Jeffrey Rolland
The 3.0.1 disk will load Anaconda, but won't read the 3.0.1 disk for
data and keeps waiting for readable CD; the 3.0.1-loaded Anaconda will
read the 4.0.1 disk a little bit, but then crashes.
I don't recall any problems with 3.0.1. It sounds like a CD problem,
but since I am away from home and don't have my notes with me I am not
sure. I do have a vague memory that some of the original OldWorld
boxes had CD drives that don't work well with 700 MB CD's, that you
had to write the CD's to a 650 MB blank. A Google search gives the
following <http://www.yellowdog-board.com/viewtopic.php?t=981&>
Stephen Harker ***@adfa.edu.au