Post by Jack MalmostosoPost by jim bob and joe bobI have Python. I installed it to try and run bittorrent but failed to
make it work. Not sure what I did wrong.
Use Azureus.
I guess I need to be more specific with my rantings. What I have found
is that if you start from MacOS pre X system and try to go to Linux
there is one hurdle after another to be surmounted. The iso images are
difficult to burn. The X-windows configuration is a real pain. Python
failed me for reason(s) that I do not understand. Azureus seems to not
be available for pre X MacOS. Besides it is a Java app and Java on the
Mac is notoriously flawed.
On the other hand, if you succeed in getting Linux to run on one of
these antiquated machines it does run very nicely. There are still
problems to overcome. I have yet to get any sound at all. Not sure
why. Xcdroast will not find my burner because it is IDE, not SCSI. Cds
mount just fine from the file system, just no burning. The last word on
that was that at least a 2.4 kernal was necessary, which I am running.
Much of the information for previous kernals involves compiling a kernal
with custom features. Compiling a kernal (for me at least) would be
another steep learning curve. It is probably something I will learn if
I live long enough.
I guess my point is that even though the people on this list are helpful
to the extreme, getting Linux up and running on an old mac in any kind
of useful configuration does not seem to be for a novice.
That's my rant and I'm sticking to it.