best distro for alsa and svgalib?
(too old to reply)
2005-05-26 21:00:52 UTC
I'm working on an app that uses sound under either oss or alsa, and the
svgalib ( I don't want to waste computer power on a GUI ), under
slackware for the P.C. I'd like to see about porting it to my beige G3
Power Mac. What's the best linux for the PPC given all that?

Jesse Joe
2005-05-27 03:56:40 UTC
Post by dmcnamar
I'm working on an app that uses sound under either oss or alsa, and the
svgalib ( I don't want to waste computer power on a GUI ), under
slackware for the P.C. I'd like to see about porting it to my beige G3
Power Mac. What's the best linux for the PPC given all that?
There used to be a slackware port for Mac, which would let you imitate
your PC setup pretty closely. Sadly, my last visit to the slack site
didn't link to it any more, so it's probably dead.

More than likely, you could do a minimal Debian or Yellowdog install --
both very easy installs on your hardware, and well-documented elsewhere.
Once you've done that, installing the handful of packages that your
stuff depends on will be cake. Also, so long as you're using standard
calls to OSS/ALSA, there should not be any effort in porting, save the
time to recompile.

